Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Know This

If you want to know anything,
go elsewhere.
If you want to unknow everything,
then sit and listen.

Friday, 25 June 2010

It Ain't Necessarily So

The biggest fallacies about God are:

1. God needs something.
2. God can fail to get what God needs.
3. God has separated you from God because you have not given God what God needs.
4. God still needs what God needs so badly that God now requires you, from your separated position, to provide it.
5. God will destroy you if you do not meet God's requirements.

These fallacies about God are destructive enough, but they completely overwhelm humanity when combined with the fallacies about Life to which they have given birth. Many human beings -- most, actually -- believe that . . .

1. Human beings are separate from each other.
2. There is not enough of what human beings need to be happy.
3. To get the stuff of which there is not enough, human beings must compete with each other.
4. Some human beings are better than other human beings.
5. It is appropriate for human beings to resolve severe differences created by all the other fallacies by killing each other.

Humanity's major fallacies about God and about Life make for a deadly litany of error that has created, and continues to create to this very moment, a world of deep anger, brutal violence, terrible loss, unrelenting sorrow, and unremitting terror.

You think you are being terrorized by other people, but in truth you are being terrorized by your beliefs.

Tomorrow's God (first articulated in "The New Revelations")
Neale Donald Walsch

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

See Here

If you look into the eyes of another and know that God is there, you will see God there. Otherwise, you will see nothing more than another human being. You may even see a villain.

If you look into your own eyes in a mirror and know that God is there, you will see God there. Otherwise, you will see nothing more than a person trying to figure out who's there. You may even see a person who does not have the answer to that question.

Home With God
Neale Donald Walsch

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Out Of Our Minds. Please.

The problem facing the world today is a spiritual problem.
Your ideas about spirituality are killing you.
You keep trying to solve the world's problem as if it was a political problem, or an economic problem, or even a military problem, and it is none of these. It is a spiritual problem. And that is the one problem human beings don't seem to know how to solve.

The New Revelations
Neale Donald Walsch

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Wise Up

Our species is far too clever to survive without wisdom.
