Sunday, 22 July 2012

Question Time

Questioning the paradigm of curved space-time
I see instead Space, Afire

Questioning the paradigm of many things
I see only No-thing, Dancing

Questioning the paradigm of God-out-there
I see instead I AM

Ablaze with cool fire
Even I AM is seen

Where is the Seer?

The Question of Questions
In Knowing

Nameless Joy

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Just Be Yourself

When you step out of what you are not, what remains is not something you have to become, but what you always already are. That is why there is nothing you have to do, or become, or learn, or practice, or work at, or purify. It is completely effortless to be in your natural state. What is full of difficult, constant effort is maintaining this false and unnatural idea of being somebody, of being an individual, a separate something. You are a non-entity! Let it go! When it is let go of, you rest in the effortlessness of All That Is, of what could be called your natural state.

Effortlessness is not something that can be attained by effort. No-mind is not a state that can be achieved by the mind. Peace cannot be achieved by striving. Trying to be aware of 'just being in the present moment' is a contradiction in terms; being 'self-consciously' aware of it takes you out of it. Trying to be aware of "I Am' is a similar contradiction, and for the same reason. You can't try to be happy any more than you can try to go to sleep or try to act naturally. You only act naturally when you're not trying, not thinking, but simply going about life. People would come from all over India and the whole world to see Ramana Maharshi and ask him for advice on the spiritual path. His advice? "Just be yourself."

Perfect Brilliant Stillness, by David Carse

Of course, there is no 'you' with a 'self', but just Self, Being. Reality is Fun:)

Let's Be Clear About This

"Please understand that there is only one thing to be understood, and that is that you are the formless, timeless unborn."
Nisargadatta Maharaj

"Here is just emptiness. There is no getting my ego out of the way, and all that stuff. There is just the seeing, shining in great brilliance and clarity."
Douglas Harding

Monday, 9 July 2012

Waving, Not Drowning

What will rise must fall, and what will fall must rise. Rise and fall are natural to life. No rise is permanent, nor fall lasting. It is reality behind it all which is steady and dependent. ... Life is one living stream, continually running without beginning or end. Death is man's illusion. The change that hides man's existence from him he calls death. Life is still, but its flow, which is ever-moving, rises and falls in waves; it is this that creates an illusion of rise and fall. All we see is the manifestation of one Spirit in many and varied forms.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Waves flow in all directions through infinite, eternal Space, giving rise to matter and time, and so events. The rise is always followed by the fall, and the fall by the rise. This is all that exists, and you are That. 

And so is the Higgs boson.

Wave Structure of Matter

Green Grow The Rushes, O

One is One, and all alone, and evermore shall be so.

Two? We don't need no Two, except to know that We Ain't That:)

Thursday, 5 July 2012


Consciousness is the greatest movie-maker in the whole world.
