Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Feel The Lurve, O My Soul.

What is the soul after?
The highest feeling of love you can imagine.

This is the soul's desire. This is Its purpose. The soul is after the feeling. Not the knowledge, but the feeling. It already has the knowledge, but knowledge is conceptual. Feeling is experiential. The soul wants to feel Its Self, and thus to know Its Self in Its own experience.

Conversations With God, Book 1
Neale Donald Walsch


Sue said...

That's interesting. I did some meditation a few weeks ago about something that was very upsetting to me. After meditating I was able to come to a place of acceptance. And then the bliss followed. And I know that bliss is my natural default, but I do not live in it. I have not been taught to live in it at my place of schooling, by my parents. None of them know that is my natural default.

I haven't seen it since that once day, but now I know it's there.

Harry Riley said...

The thing is, Sue, do all those folks know it is their default state too? It is humanity's default state!:)

As folks like Neale Walsch and Eckhart Tolle tell us, it's because we don't live Now Here, but identify ourselves with the past or the future. Nothing exists in those two places, except in our own minds. It only has the control over us that we allow it to. It has no power, whereas Now Here has unlimited power in every sense.

Jesus said something very similar - sufficient unto the day is the stuff thereof (MysticBrit Version):)

It's about accepting What Is, which when you think about it is the only sane course of action there is, and when followed through has cosmic power. If we pour Everything We Are into Now Here there are limitless possibilities! A Mighty Mixture...

Sue said...

Yes. Absolutely :) I agree. And there is enough there to occupy us, just to learn to Be Here Now