Thursday, 30 September 2010

A Mighty Truth

Your life is a reflection of what you desire, and what you believe you may have of what you desire. I cannot give you what you do not believe you may have — no matter how much you desire it — because I will not violate your own thought about it. I cannot. That is the law.

Believing that you cannot have something is the same thing as not desiring to have it, for it produces the same result.

Conversations With God, Book 3
Neale Donald Walsch

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Job Description

I believe God wants you to know that your job, your invitation from the Universe, is to give people back to themselves.

You can do this every day, in a hundred ways. Why not practice it with the first three people you encounter after reading this?

It is really a very easy thing to do, yet it can affect a person mightily. All you have to do is look for the best in that person, and then show it to them, right then and there. Describe it. Admire it. Thank them for it.

Do this for three people every day and watch how your whole life can change. At last you will realize what you are doing here. All the rest will be just stuff and nonsense.

Neale Donald Walsch

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Only Connect

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them”
Galileo Galilei

A Single Desire

Awakeness is inherent
in all things and all beings
all the time.
This awakeness relates to every moment
from innocence
from absolute honesty
from a state where you feel
absolutely authentic.
Only from this state
do you realize
that you never really wanted
whatever you thought you wanted.
You realize
that behind all of your desires
was a single desire:
to experience each moment
from your true nature.

© 2007 by Adyashanti.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

A Little Politics

I've not made any political statements in this blog, as politics is about, for the most part, lies and half-truths, with some very notable exceptions. I would like to highlight one of those now.

I would like to express my support for the remarks made by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran at the United Nations General Assembly concerning the events of 11th September 2001 in Manhattan. I believe he was correct in almost every particular.

It's time for all the other politicians who know that he's right to speak out, so that this cancer in the soul of humanity can be excised and we can move into a totally different way of conducting life on this planet.

Let's roll!

Friday, 24 September 2010

I AM. That's All.

Why then would I condemn Myself? And how would I do it? How could I separate Myself from Myself when My Self is All There Is, and there is nothing else?

My purpose is to evolve, not to condemn; to grow, not to die; to experience, not to fail to experience. My purpose is to Be, not to cease to Be.

Conversations With God, Book 3
Neale Donald Walsch

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Outa Your Mind

To discover our autonomy is the most challenging thing a human being can do. Because in order to discover our autonomy, we must be free from all external control or influence. This means that we must free our mind from all that it has collected, all that it clings to, all that it depends on. This begins by realizing that we are in a psychological prison created by our minds. Until we begin to realize how confined we are, we will not be able to find our way out. Neither will we find our way out by struggling against the confines we have inherited from our parents, society, and culture. It is only by beginning to examine and realize the falseness within our minds that we begin to awaken an intelligence that originates from beyond the realm of thinking.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

There Is Only One Desire

There is only one desire, for there is only one soul. All other desires that we think we may have are merely substitutes, or steps along the way, to becoming devoted to the underlying desire behind all desires that has always existed and will always exist: the desire to give and express love.

The Christ Blueprint
Padma Aon Prakasha

Monday, 20 September 2010

Question Everything. But Only Everything.

Only that which is real and true has the power to liberate us from the mechanical and magnetic draw of the dream state. For ultimately it is ignorance (the belief in things that are untrue) that imprisons us within a trance state, which is induced by taking the conditioned stream of thinking within one’s mind to be true. If we are to awaken from the mind’s hypnotic embrace, we must question all of our beliefs and assumptions down to the very source of our being until that which is true, real, and everlasting reveals itself.


Saturday, 18 September 2010

I AM Love

The secret to finding real love is to discover it within you as your true essence. From there you will see it wherever you look. Rumi tells us: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

Deepak Chopra

Thursday, 16 September 2010


9/11 style...

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they attack you... then you win.

Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

It Is Not As We Have Been Told

If your "basic instinct" was "survival," and if your basic nature was "evil," you would never move instinctively to save a child from falling, a man from drowning, or anyone from anything. And yet, when you act on your basic instincts and display your basic nature, and don't think about what you are doing, this is exactly how you behave, even at your own peril.

Thus, your "basic" instinct cannot be "survival," and your basic nature is clearly not "evil." Your instinct and your nature is to reflect the essence of Who You Are, which is fairness, oneness, and love.

Conversations With God, Book 3
Neale Donald Walsch

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Give It Up

“The less one thinks the more delightful life becomes.”
David Hawkins

Saturday, 11 September 2010

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Once upon a time...

Nineteen young Moslems, armed only with knives and box-cutters and led by a man in a cave in Afghanistan, outwit the entire North American Air Defence System four times in ninety minutes.

No, really.

Two gigantic steel-framed high-rises, built to withstand several high speed impacts, collapse through the line of greatest resistance in little more than free fall time, turning to dust before our eyes as they fall, some time after being hit by a single aircraft each. Later that day a third large building, even more strongly constructed and not hit by anything but a little debris, collapses in an identical manner.

No, really.

A man who can only fly a single-engined aircraft, and that badly, executes a manouevre in a commercial airliner which professional pilots would have great difficulty with, flying the aircraft through the most closely guarded airspace on the planet without being intercepted and hitting the headquarters of the American Military about fifteen feet above ground level at around 500 mph, leaving a circular hole less than 20 feet across. The aircraft then apparently vapourises instantly.

No, really.

A fourth aircraft is also hijacked by knife-wielding Moslems as it's heading for the nation's capital, and there is heroic resistance by some of the passengers resulting in the aircraft crashing in a field in Pennsylvania. The aircraft is apparently completely swallowed up by old mine-workings.

No, really.

What wonders. And all this on just one day, once upon a time...

Goodnight, children.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Choose One

Sincerity is a word that I often use in teaching to convey the importance of being rooted in the qualities of honesty, authenticity, and genuineness. There can be nothing phony or contrived in our motivations if we are to fully awaken to our natural and integral state of unified awareness. While teachings and teachers can point us inward to “the peace beyond all understanding,” it is always along the thread of our inner sincerity, or lack thereof, that we will travel. For the ego is clever and artful in the ways of deception, and only the honesty and genuineness of our ineffable being are beyond its influence. At each step and with each breath we are given the option of acting and responding, both inwardly and outwardly, from the conditioning of egoic consciousness which values control and separation above all else, or from the intuitive awareness of unity which resides in the inner silence of our being.


The Hand That Made Us Is Divine

The joyful, exuberant, silent shout of All That Is - I AM.


Friday, 3 September 2010

Come Unto Me

The heart smiles lovingly as it listens to the mind chatter on distractedly, then draws it gently close, whispering Peace, Be Still. All you need to know is that I Am: Rest in That. And the mind curls up in the arms of the heart, safe and content.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Good News

Now I come to tell you this: There is no such place as hell. Hell is a state of being. It is the experience of separation from God, an imagining that you are separate from your very self and cannot be reunited. Hell is forever trying to find your self.

What you have called heaven, too, is a state of being. It is the experience of Oneness, the ecstasy of reunification with All That Is. It is the knowing of the true self.

Communion With God
Neale Donald Walsch