Once upon a time...
Nineteen young Moslems, armed only with knives and box-cutters and led by a man in a cave in Afghanistan, outwit the entire North American Air Defence System four times in ninety minutes.
No, really.
Two gigantic steel-framed high-rises, built to withstand several high speed impacts, collapse through the line of greatest resistance in little more than free fall time, turning to dust before our eyes as they fall, some time after being hit by a single aircraft each. Later that day a third large building, even more strongly constructed and not hit by anything but a little debris, collapses in an identical manner.
No, really.
A man who can only fly a single-engined aircraft, and that badly, executes a manouevre in a commercial airliner which professional pilots would have great difficulty with, flying the aircraft through the most closely guarded airspace on the planet without being intercepted and hitting the headquarters of the American Military about fifteen feet above ground level at around 500 mph, leaving a circular hole less than 20 feet across. The aircraft then apparently vapourises instantly.
No, really.
A fourth aircraft is also hijacked by knife-wielding Moslems as it's heading for the nation's capital, and there is heroic resistance by some of the passengers resulting in the aircraft crashing in a field in Pennsylvania. The aircraft is apparently completely swallowed up by old mine-workings.
No, really.
What wonders. And all this on just one day, once upon a time...
Goodnight, children.
Haha, Harry :) Well, when you put it like that ...
It's the only way to tell it, Sue, as a fairy tale, 'cos that's all it is. The official story, as I've known for six years, is a fable, whose only purpose was to make a few people very rich, no matter how many lives are trampled in the process. It has several times moved me to agonised tears.
It's time to wake up from the fear-induced trance of the last nine years, and take humanity forward. This is a huge opportunity to evolve, consciously.
Let's go for it!:)
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