Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Higgs Boson Never Fails

If you can define God then your definition is, by...err... definition, false. If 'God' means anything, it is beyond the human mind's capacity, but not the heart's, which wordlessly 'knows'. 'God' is the word we use for 'that which cannot be defined'. It is the essence of existence, without which nothing is. Language gives up here. But the very nature of this 'undefinableness' is Love, and we, and all that is, are unique, ever-evolving expressions of Love.

I 'spose you could call it the Higgs Boson too, if you wanted to, but I prefer Love. A rose by any other name would still be The Ground Of All Being, and it's a darn sight less expensive than the Large Hadron Collider;)

Time for a cuppa...

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