Sunday, 21 August 2011


Be a Bringer of the Light.

You and I are One, both now and even for evermore.

Go now, and make of your life a statement of this truth.

Cause your days and nights to be reflections of the highest idea within you. Allow your moments of Now to be filled with the spectacular ecstasy of God made manifest through you. Do it through the expression of your Love, eternal and unconditional, for all those whose lives you touch. Be a light unto the darkness, and curse it not.

Be a bringer of the light.

You are that.

So be it.

Neale Walsch


Sue said...

That's a life's work right there. Beautifully put, Mr Walsch.

Harry Riley said...

Sue - I like to see it, not so much as 'work' but as a recognising that all the pungent stuff that periodically floats to the surface is not what I am, but just the result of conditioning. To dis-identify with it and to identify more and more with being that 'bringer of the light'.

What we believe - hold fast to - creates our reality, and the closer that reality approaches Reality the more life just works. It never quite gets there, 'cos all beliefs are limiting to some extent and need to be transcended, but we can get pretty close.

Like it takes an infinite amount of energy to reach the speed of light... until we see that we are that Light, and then energy, work etc. are irrelevant, and we just get on with Being Light more and more, as the conditioning falls away.

I find this to be Quite Cool, and Something That Works:)