Oneness is very simple: everything is included and allowed to live according to its true nature.
This is the secret that is being revealed, the opportunity that is offered.
How we make use of this opportunity depends upon the degree of our participation, how much we are prepared to give ourselves to the work that needs to be done, to the freedom that needs to be lived.
The opportunity is everywhere at the same time, because this is the nature of oneness.
Working With Oneness
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
So tell me, Harry - you write a lot about oneness, and you have a mystical heart. How many times a day do you realise you're living in duality?
I think of Buddhism ... there is oneness.
I think of Christianity ... and this is more controversial I know, but at least in the recorded words of Jesus, there is oneness all over the place. To me, that is the external reason why forgiveness is ... because it's the only right approach to staying non-dual and in the One.
I struggle with this every day lately, and mostly every minute, because I'm so resistant to the effects going on in my body that it is very easy to forget that the best way through it is accepting it.
Great question. I'd say about every other nanosecond, Sue. Duality is a clever invention of the Absolute - God if you like - in order to experience Its Self, 'cos if you're the Absolute, well, there ain't nothin' to relate to:)
I am Oneness writing about Its Self to Its Self, reminding Its Self of Its true nature.
You are also Oneness expressing Its Self, reminding Its Self of Its true nature, and You are doing it through experiencing something you are not - in this case physical pain - which is the only way to do it. (And which, incidentally, is how It did it through Jesus: through the crucifixion. That was the most public way Oneness has ever reminded Its Self, and even then It didn't quite get it;))
Oneness just Is. It expresses with a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Whatever, flavour, but it's all Stillness Dancing, Silence Singing, Emptiness Overflowing... nothing the mind can grasp, in other words.
And we forgive when we see there is nothing to forgive - there is no Doer of Evil to 'me', but just the dance, the play of the One with Its Self. 'Me' can't accept that though, because it's addicted, through conditioning, to drama, conflict, suffering, stories - this all reinforces its identity. Until, that is, it just sort of curls up in the lap of the One and purrs softly. This does happen occasionally, before the claws come out again, but it's all the One doing Its Stuff:)
We are the One One-ing through the Many.
I have no idea if any of this is useful to you, Sue, but you did ask;)
Time for a non-dual cuppa;)
Haha :)
Cool, Harry :) Thanks for sharing.
Any time, Sue. I might start talking sense one of these days, but I wouldn't count on it:)
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