Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Come Unto Me... I Have Overcome The World

As the little guy, I have tunnel vision. I say, “I’ve got enough troubles of my own. I’m only interested in the great world outside insofar as it serves the purposes of this little guy. I’ve got enough suffering of my own; I don’t want to know about yours.” Then something happens – good luck, the grace of God in my case, whatever it might be – and our angle of vision widens and we take on the suffering of the world. The strange thing is that you get beyond suffering by taking it on and going through to the underlying peace which passes understanding. Some people seem to suggest that when you see Who you are, there is no more suffering. On the contrary. In a way, it’s the exact opposite of that. You take it all on. You take on the pain of creation, not only human suffering but the whole tragic history of the world and the suffering of other creatures – not because you are a saint or a good person. You have no option. That’s the way you are made, and that’s the way through. You could say that the remedy for suffering is homeopathic.

Douglas Harding. Face to No-Face


Sue said...

Oh, I love this, Harry!!!!


Harry Riley said...

It's beautiful, Sue. There's so much in it. It's what Jesus and all the others came to, and it's what we're invited to. The heart expands to take it all in, and we come to love it all, all the nuttiness that passes for normality, both in 'ourselves' and in 'others'... We can do no other, 'cos it's what we are:)