Tuesday, 16 October 2012

No-thing Doing

...In this Seeing, there is not a private doer of action nor thinker of thoughts. Everything just arises. It's spontaneous. Spontaneous existence. Unpushed, unforced, a seeing is just here... Can it be as simple as this?


Monday, 15 October 2012

The End Of All Suffering

I’ve noticed that whenever suffering or confusion appears, it means that consciousness is lost in thought, entranced in a kind of hypnotic dream-world. It has forgotten that it is the whole ocean, and it is identifying itself as a particular wave and then trying desperately to survive as that wave, trying to be a successful wave. It is even seeking the ocean! When there is a recognition that no wave exists apart from the ocean, when there is no imaginary separation between “me” and this present happening, suffering ends. The problem vanishes, and I vanish as that imaginary somebody who seemingly needs to make something of myself and save the world and figure everything out and shift into some higher state of consciousness. There is simply this present moment, just as it is.

This waking up from the dream of separation can only happen now, not forever-after or in the future, and it isn’t so much something that happens as it is the utter simplicity of Here / Now, just as it is. This simple, bare being is incredibly obvious and actually unavoidable. It seems elusive only because it is so close at hand, so all-inclusive.

Joan Tollifson

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Limit Less

The limited part of man's being is the creation, and the innermost part of his being is the Creator. If this is true, then man is both limited and unlimited. If he wishes to be limited he can become more and more limited. If he wishes to be unlimited he can become more and more unlimited. If he cultivates in himself the illusion of being a creation, he can be that more and more. But if he cultivates in himself the knowledge of the Creator, he can also be that more and more.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Making Waves

And it's really simple, after all. Life IS - there is one "existence" - something IS, right here and now. That IS-ness expresses as everything we see and know. That intelligence takes shape in a million billion ways, from the ugliest to that which is so beautiful it makes you cry. If we reject the ugly in preference for the beautiful, then in essence we have missed the point. It's like saying that this particular wave is better than that one - when they are both, in essence, ocean.

Randall Friend

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Not Many People Know This...

What follows is a collection of what I hope are, by turns, provocative, entertaining and enlightening statements. I believe them all to be essentially true. Enjoy your weekend:)

One thing, Space or whatever, exists. It is infinite, continuous and eternal. It vibrates very fast, causing what we call matter and time, and so events. All modern physics can be directly derived from this concept.

The Large Hadron Collider is a waste of , err, space, time, energy and money. It is sexed-up physics, the plaything of big boys and girls. Reality is overwhelmingly, blindingly simple.

I, as an individual, do not exist, except as a transient thought form born out of conditioning. This body-mind is an immensely complex, ever-changing waveform in infinite, eternal space. It is profoundly intelligent. Death is meaningless, as this waveform simply changes its appearance in an exquisite play of reality.

I am the formless, timeless unborn, in which all that appears... appears. Whatever that means.

The only thing - apart from Space - that is infinite is the co(s)mic idiocy of the human mind. It just makes stuff up. Ignore 95% of all thoughts, and use mental energy in the service of reality. This is wisdom.

All really is well.

Never take your self seriously, because it simply doesn't exist. It is only useful as a concept, along with the body, for having experiences. As mentioned before, you are the formless, timeless unborn. Live as that, and life will flow.

Life really is a dream. Where is the dreamer to be found, though?

Governments do not rule. This is an illusion. The mind - which is unreal - rules, until it is toppled by that which is real. And that is what you are.

Genes do not determine what happens in the body. They are simply protein factories. There are no 'defective' genes, only conditions which cause genes to respond in certain ways, just as the same human being will respond very differently when placed in different surroundings or exposed to different conditions. Improve what you feed to the cell and the cell will thrive, along with the few trillion others which make up the astonishingly intelligent and co-operative colony called a human body. Eat healthily and cultivate other healthy habits.

There are millions of cancer cells always circulating in every functioning human body, healthy or otherwise. They are part of the immune system. Why else would every body contain within it what we have called the seeds of its own destruction, unless they were in fact the means of its survival? Unless a tumour physically obstructs a vital pathway it is incapable of destroying the body, but many bodies die from the causes of cancer and from its so-called treatments.

Cancer is the body's friend, isolating toxins accumulated over many years, from whatever source. Work with the cancer to rid the body of toxins and there is no more need for cancer. 90 - 95% of all cancers appear and disappear without any intervention, because when they've done their job they are disposed of. The body, as mentioned above, is astonishingly intelligent and knows what it's doing, and will do everything necessary to ensure it continues and thrives. It will only go down with all guns blazing. Eat as much naturally produced, beneficial food as possible and cultivate healthy activity for the body-mind, so giving it all the material it needs to live long and prosper.

Saturated fat is the body's friend, grains and sugar its enemies. Cholesterol is found at the site of arterial inflammation - caused by excess grains and sugar, not fat - because it is part of the body's healing process. Cholesterol is essential to the life of every single cell in the body, and this is why the liver manufactures it, maintaining it within very tight limits. If you eat cholesterol, the liver reduces the amount produced. Fat is a much cleaner burning, efficient, longer lasting and more generally beneficial fuel for the body, and it can be easily stored and used in times of need, unlike glucose. For most of the history of the human race we had limited, seasonal access to carbohydrates (none of it refined, of course, and coming with a healthy helping of minerals and vitamins), so stored fat was our main source of energy. Eat more fat and cut out grains and sugar. A 'low carb' diet is actually a 'normal carb' diet. Your body will love you if you do this.

The sun is the body's friend. Without it the body would not exist. Ultraviolet light is essential to the healthy functioning of the body, causing the production of many nutrients unavailable in any quantity elsewhere. Sunscreen is composed of substances foreign to the proper functioning of the body - see above concerning cancer. Sunglasses are just a style accessory, and unless you have certain medical conditions are a waste of money. They also disrupt the circadian rhythms of the body. A diet high in saturated fat and low in refined carbohydrates provides considerable protection against sunburn. Get a sensible dose of direct sunlight whenever possible. Eat more fat.

Cow's milk - bovine baby food - is not suitable for humans, young or old. Any nutrition in it is available from far healthier sources. Humans are the only species on earth the adult of which consumes the processed baby food of another species. This does not make sense, and is not the mark of an advanced organism.

Footwear is not essential, except for protection in adverse conditions. The human foot has evolved perfectly over millions of years to fit its purpose, and does not need any assistance. Walking barefoot strengthens the whole foot and leg, and running barefoot is like running on air. It's how we hunted for food.

Toothpaste is not essential if the diet contains no grains or sugar, and you have a decent toothbrush. Toothpaste, along with much drinking water, contains fluoride which, apart from being unproven in the prevention of dental caries, is also used as a pesticide in some areas of the world. In the US it is composed of the waste products of the phosphate mining industry - hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride, both of which are considered highly toxic. Putting these substances into the public water supply would be considered an act of terrorism if anyone else did it. Until fluoride is banned (which is becoming more likely), drink as much bottled water as you can afford, and use so-called drinking water for washing and flushing the toilet bowl.

On the subject of teeth, there are millions of people around the world with a potent neurotoxin plugging holes in their teeth (caused by eating grains and sugar), namely mercury. This was first used in an amalgam with other metals about 160 years ago, probably because it was much cheaper than gold, and it was thought that the mercury would be 'locked up' in the amalgam. This has proved not to be so. If you want to remove mercury from your system, and can't afford / don't desire to have the fillings removed, one of the cheapest and easiest ways is through using a blue-green algae called chlorella, which will also deal with fluoride.

Money is only a system of exchange, and has no value whatsoever. The only things of value are the goods and services humans exchange in order to carry on life. Money - or rather debt, for that is all it is - is a source of great power for a very few. If human beings saw this simple fact in sufficient numbers it could transform global society overnight.

9/11 was the insidest of inside jobs, as will eventually be admitted by all. The alternative is that several well known physical laws were suspended on that day. It - along with many similar events - is the logical result of the misguided, totally unnecessary desire for power and money by the very few.

Everyone acts reasonably, given their view of reality.

Laughter really is the best medicine. Do it often, and for no reason at all.

All really is well, and it's only the mind that wants you to believe otherwise. It means well, but ignore it anyway. It needs to learn its place - it's your servant, not master.

Live long and prosper:)

You Are What You Seek. Be That.

Man likes complexity. He does not want to take only one step; it is more interesting to look forward to millions of steps. The man who is seeking the truth gets into a maze, and that maze interests him. He wants to go through it a thousand times more. It is just like children. Their whole interest is in running about; they do not want to see the door and go in until they are very tired. So it is with adults. They all say that they are seeking truth, but they like the maze. That is why the mystics made the greatest truths a mystery, to be given only to the few who were ready for them, letting the others play because it was the time for them to play.

Truth is simple. But for the very reason that it is simple, people will not take it; because our life on earth is such that for everything we value, we have to pay a great price and one wonders, if truth is the most precious of all things, then how can truth be attained simply? It is this illusion that makes everyone deny simple truth and seek for complexity. Tell people about something that makes their heads whirl round and round and round. Even if they do not understand it, they are most pleased to think, 'It is something substantial. It is something solid. For, it is an idea we cannot understand, it must be something lofty.' But something which every soul knows, proving what is divine in every soul, and which it cannot help but know, that appears to be too cheap, for the soul already knows it. There are two things: knowing and being. It is easy to know truth, but most difficult to be truth. It is not in knowing truth that life's purpose is accomplished; life's purpose is accomplished in being truth. 

Inayat Khan