And it's really simple, after all. Life IS - there is one "existence" - something IS, right here and now. That IS-ness expresses as everything we see and know. That intelligence takes shape in a million billion ways, from the ugliest to that which is so beautiful it makes you cry. If we reject the ugly in preference for the beautiful, then in essence we have missed the point. It's like saying that this particular wave is better than that one - when they are both, in essence, ocean.
Randall Friend
This reminds me of things on a personal level as well. How we can reject those parts of ourselves that are too ugly, and then spend years realising that we do not need to fear, but to reclaim them.
Yes indeed, Sue. There's no boundary really between the 'personal' and the 'universal', as it's all one energy doing its stuff.
Also, I've developed a habit lately, whenever some part of my body isn't quite working right, or I'm conscious of a very unhelpful attitude, of treating that part or attitude like my own child. I even speak to it comfortingly, accepting it as part of me. This stops the 'suffering' in its tracks, and seems to speed the healing.
That's fantastic, Harry. It's really what "looking after yourself" is meant to be, isn't it.
It's being consciously aware, Sue, totally accepting. And when it's seen that I am in fact the ocean, that all that 'stuff out there' is also 'me', then this compassion is seen to be universal, limitless. The love of the Self for the Self.
It doesn't get any better than this ordinary extraordinary Seeing.
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