Sunday, 4 November 2012

Be Still. I AM.

You ask, Who am I?
Who is asking?

Accept no answer.
Be whatever is left.


Before even Consciousness, Be.

You are simply That Which Is.

Words, stand easy.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

No-thing Doing

...In this Seeing, there is not a private doer of action nor thinker of thoughts. Everything just arises. It's spontaneous. Spontaneous existence. Unpushed, unforced, a seeing is just here... Can it be as simple as this?


Monday, 15 October 2012

The End Of All Suffering

I’ve noticed that whenever suffering or confusion appears, it means that consciousness is lost in thought, entranced in a kind of hypnotic dream-world. It has forgotten that it is the whole ocean, and it is identifying itself as a particular wave and then trying desperately to survive as that wave, trying to be a successful wave. It is even seeking the ocean! When there is a recognition that no wave exists apart from the ocean, when there is no imaginary separation between “me” and this present happening, suffering ends. The problem vanishes, and I vanish as that imaginary somebody who seemingly needs to make something of myself and save the world and figure everything out and shift into some higher state of consciousness. There is simply this present moment, just as it is.

This waking up from the dream of separation can only happen now, not forever-after or in the future, and it isn’t so much something that happens as it is the utter simplicity of Here / Now, just as it is. This simple, bare being is incredibly obvious and actually unavoidable. It seems elusive only because it is so close at hand, so all-inclusive.

Joan Tollifson

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Limit Less

The limited part of man's being is the creation, and the innermost part of his being is the Creator. If this is true, then man is both limited and unlimited. If he wishes to be limited he can become more and more limited. If he wishes to be unlimited he can become more and more unlimited. If he cultivates in himself the illusion of being a creation, he can be that more and more. But if he cultivates in himself the knowledge of the Creator, he can also be that more and more.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Making Waves

And it's really simple, after all. Life IS - there is one "existence" - something IS, right here and now. That IS-ness expresses as everything we see and know. That intelligence takes shape in a million billion ways, from the ugliest to that which is so beautiful it makes you cry. If we reject the ugly in preference for the beautiful, then in essence we have missed the point. It's like saying that this particular wave is better than that one - when they are both, in essence, ocean.

Randall Friend

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Not Many People Know This...

What follows is a collection of what I hope are, by turns, provocative, entertaining and enlightening statements. I believe them all to be essentially true. Enjoy your weekend:)

One thing, Space or whatever, exists. It is infinite, continuous and eternal. It vibrates very fast, causing what we call matter and time, and so events. All modern physics can be directly derived from this concept.

The Large Hadron Collider is a waste of , err, space, time, energy and money. It is sexed-up physics, the plaything of big boys and girls. Reality is overwhelmingly, blindingly simple.

I, as an individual, do not exist, except as a transient thought form born out of conditioning. This body-mind is an immensely complex, ever-changing waveform in infinite, eternal space. It is profoundly intelligent. Death is meaningless, as this waveform simply changes its appearance in an exquisite play of reality.

I am the formless, timeless unborn, in which all that appears... appears. Whatever that means.

The only thing - apart from Space - that is infinite is the co(s)mic idiocy of the human mind. It just makes stuff up. Ignore 95% of all thoughts, and use mental energy in the service of reality. This is wisdom.

All really is well.

Never take your self seriously, because it simply doesn't exist. It is only useful as a concept, along with the body, for having experiences. As mentioned before, you are the formless, timeless unborn. Live as that, and life will flow.

Life really is a dream. Where is the dreamer to be found, though?

Governments do not rule. This is an illusion. The mind - which is unreal - rules, until it is toppled by that which is real. And that is what you are.

Genes do not determine what happens in the body. They are simply protein factories. There are no 'defective' genes, only conditions which cause genes to respond in certain ways, just as the same human being will respond very differently when placed in different surroundings or exposed to different conditions. Improve what you feed to the cell and the cell will thrive, along with the few trillion others which make up the astonishingly intelligent and co-operative colony called a human body. Eat healthily and cultivate other healthy habits.

There are millions of cancer cells always circulating in every functioning human body, healthy or otherwise. They are part of the immune system. Why else would every body contain within it what we have called the seeds of its own destruction, unless they were in fact the means of its survival? Unless a tumour physically obstructs a vital pathway it is incapable of destroying the body, but many bodies die from the causes of cancer and from its so-called treatments.

Cancer is the body's friend, isolating toxins accumulated over many years, from whatever source. Work with the cancer to rid the body of toxins and there is no more need for cancer. 90 - 95% of all cancers appear and disappear without any intervention, because when they've done their job they are disposed of. The body, as mentioned above, is astonishingly intelligent and knows what it's doing, and will do everything necessary to ensure it continues and thrives. It will only go down with all guns blazing. Eat as much naturally produced, beneficial food as possible and cultivate healthy activity for the body-mind, so giving it all the material it needs to live long and prosper.

Saturated fat is the body's friend, grains and sugar its enemies. Cholesterol is found at the site of arterial inflammation - caused by excess grains and sugar, not fat - because it is part of the body's healing process. Cholesterol is essential to the life of every single cell in the body, and this is why the liver manufactures it, maintaining it within very tight limits. If you eat cholesterol, the liver reduces the amount produced. Fat is a much cleaner burning, efficient, longer lasting and more generally beneficial fuel for the body, and it can be easily stored and used in times of need, unlike glucose. For most of the history of the human race we had limited, seasonal access to carbohydrates (none of it refined, of course, and coming with a healthy helping of minerals and vitamins), so stored fat was our main source of energy. Eat more fat and cut out grains and sugar. A 'low carb' diet is actually a 'normal carb' diet. Your body will love you if you do this.

The sun is the body's friend. Without it the body would not exist. Ultraviolet light is essential to the healthy functioning of the body, causing the production of many nutrients unavailable in any quantity elsewhere. Sunscreen is composed of substances foreign to the proper functioning of the body - see above concerning cancer. Sunglasses are just a style accessory, and unless you have certain medical conditions are a waste of money. They also disrupt the circadian rhythms of the body. A diet high in saturated fat and low in refined carbohydrates provides considerable protection against sunburn. Get a sensible dose of direct sunlight whenever possible. Eat more fat.

Cow's milk - bovine baby food - is not suitable for humans, young or old. Any nutrition in it is available from far healthier sources. Humans are the only species on earth the adult of which consumes the processed baby food of another species. This does not make sense, and is not the mark of an advanced organism.

Footwear is not essential, except for protection in adverse conditions. The human foot has evolved perfectly over millions of years to fit its purpose, and does not need any assistance. Walking barefoot strengthens the whole foot and leg, and running barefoot is like running on air. It's how we hunted for food.

Toothpaste is not essential if the diet contains no grains or sugar, and you have a decent toothbrush. Toothpaste, along with much drinking water, contains fluoride which, apart from being unproven in the prevention of dental caries, is also used as a pesticide in some areas of the world. In the US it is composed of the waste products of the phosphate mining industry - hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride, both of which are considered highly toxic. Putting these substances into the public water supply would be considered an act of terrorism if anyone else did it. Until fluoride is banned (which is becoming more likely), drink as much bottled water as you can afford, and use so-called drinking water for washing and flushing the toilet bowl.

On the subject of teeth, there are millions of people around the world with a potent neurotoxin plugging holes in their teeth (caused by eating grains and sugar), namely mercury. This was first used in an amalgam with other metals about 160 years ago, probably because it was much cheaper than gold, and it was thought that the mercury would be 'locked up' in the amalgam. This has proved not to be so. If you want to remove mercury from your system, and can't afford / don't desire to have the fillings removed, one of the cheapest and easiest ways is through using a blue-green algae called chlorella, which will also deal with fluoride.

Money is only a system of exchange, and has no value whatsoever. The only things of value are the goods and services humans exchange in order to carry on life. Money - or rather debt, for that is all it is - is a source of great power for a very few. If human beings saw this simple fact in sufficient numbers it could transform global society overnight.

9/11 was the insidest of inside jobs, as will eventually be admitted by all. The alternative is that several well known physical laws were suspended on that day. It - along with many similar events - is the logical result of the misguided, totally unnecessary desire for power and money by the very few.

Everyone acts reasonably, given their view of reality.

Laughter really is the best medicine. Do it often, and for no reason at all.

All really is well, and it's only the mind that wants you to believe otherwise. It means well, but ignore it anyway. It needs to learn its place - it's your servant, not master.

Live long and prosper:)

You Are What You Seek. Be That.

Man likes complexity. He does not want to take only one step; it is more interesting to look forward to millions of steps. The man who is seeking the truth gets into a maze, and that maze interests him. He wants to go through it a thousand times more. It is just like children. Their whole interest is in running about; they do not want to see the door and go in until they are very tired. So it is with adults. They all say that they are seeking truth, but they like the maze. That is why the mystics made the greatest truths a mystery, to be given only to the few who were ready for them, letting the others play because it was the time for them to play.

Truth is simple. But for the very reason that it is simple, people will not take it; because our life on earth is such that for everything we value, we have to pay a great price and one wonders, if truth is the most precious of all things, then how can truth be attained simply? It is this illusion that makes everyone deny simple truth and seek for complexity. Tell people about something that makes their heads whirl round and round and round. Even if they do not understand it, they are most pleased to think, 'It is something substantial. It is something solid. For, it is an idea we cannot understand, it must be something lofty.' But something which every soul knows, proving what is divine in every soul, and which it cannot help but know, that appears to be too cheap, for the soul already knows it. There are two things: knowing and being. It is easy to know truth, but most difficult to be truth. It is not in knowing truth that life's purpose is accomplished; life's purpose is accomplished in being truth. 

Inayat Khan

Monday, 24 September 2012

Fire And Joy

I’m not saying, mind you, that a life consciously lived from its true Centre will be safe or painless, easy or consistently joyful. Real adventure is made of sterner stuff. Those great arms embrace the suffering of the world no less than its splendour and its thrill. Those hands know the torment of crucifixion. Only so can the terrible pain of the world be overcome. The real joy, the joy that casts no shadow and knows no variation, has come through the fire. .
Douglas Harding, To Be And Not To Be

Friday, 21 September 2012

Words of the Prophet...

Some day we'll understand the whole thing as one single marvelous vision that will seem so
overwhelmingly simple and beautiful that we may say to each other; 'Oh, how could we have been so stupid for so long? How could it have been otherwise?!'

J. A. Wheeler, physicist

Sunday, 16 September 2012

The Father's Love

I am the formless, timeless unborn, yet all form, time and birth arise in me
I neither come nor go, but all journeys occur in me
I am before the concept of concept, yet I give birth to all concepts
I am all that is, yet I play with that which is not
I am before I AM, yet all existence flowers in me

All I give birth to is held in infinite compassion
And I welcome it all home, rejoicing

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Come Unto Me... I Have Overcome The World

As the little guy, I have tunnel vision. I say, “I’ve got enough troubles of my own. I’m only interested in the great world outside insofar as it serves the purposes of this little guy. I’ve got enough suffering of my own; I don’t want to know about yours.” Then something happens – good luck, the grace of God in my case, whatever it might be – and our angle of vision widens and we take on the suffering of the world. The strange thing is that you get beyond suffering by taking it on and going through to the underlying peace which passes understanding. Some people seem to suggest that when you see Who you are, there is no more suffering. On the contrary. In a way, it’s the exact opposite of that. You take it all on. You take on the pain of creation, not only human suffering but the whole tragic history of the world and the suffering of other creatures – not because you are a saint or a good person. You have no option. That’s the way you are made, and that’s the way through. You could say that the remedy for suffering is homeopathic.

Douglas Harding. Face to No-Face

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Divine Jewels

When things are no longer things, there is Beauty.
When others are no longer others, there is Love.
Rupert Spira

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Easy Does It

Less and less do you need to force things, until finally you arrive at non-action. When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Peace, Man

A thought without belief has no power; but a thought with belief can start a war.


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Dialogue of One

Remember you are before every thing, and every thing arises in you. You are No-thing.

This Knowing brings you home from the far country, and you see that you are Knower, Knowing and Known. This is joy beyond the concept of joy, beyond all concepts.

Pure and cool, radiant and still, you are before even I AM.

How can this be, that you are before Existence itself?

Words become mere noise, and Emptiness Dances.

Namaste, My Love.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Question Time

Questioning the paradigm of curved space-time
I see instead Space, Afire

Questioning the paradigm of many things
I see only No-thing, Dancing

Questioning the paradigm of God-out-there
I see instead I AM

Ablaze with cool fire
Even I AM is seen

Where is the Seer?

The Question of Questions
In Knowing

Nameless Joy

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Just Be Yourself

When you step out of what you are not, what remains is not something you have to become, but what you always already are. That is why there is nothing you have to do, or become, or learn, or practice, or work at, or purify. It is completely effortless to be in your natural state. What is full of difficult, constant effort is maintaining this false and unnatural idea of being somebody, of being an individual, a separate something. You are a non-entity! Let it go! When it is let go of, you rest in the effortlessness of All That Is, of what could be called your natural state.

Effortlessness is not something that can be attained by effort. No-mind is not a state that can be achieved by the mind. Peace cannot be achieved by striving. Trying to be aware of 'just being in the present moment' is a contradiction in terms; being 'self-consciously' aware of it takes you out of it. Trying to be aware of "I Am' is a similar contradiction, and for the same reason. You can't try to be happy any more than you can try to go to sleep or try to act naturally. You only act naturally when you're not trying, not thinking, but simply going about life. People would come from all over India and the whole world to see Ramana Maharshi and ask him for advice on the spiritual path. His advice? "Just be yourself."

Perfect Brilliant Stillness, by David Carse

Of course, there is no 'you' with a 'self', but just Self, Being. Reality is Fun:)

Let's Be Clear About This

"Please understand that there is only one thing to be understood, and that is that you are the formless, timeless unborn."
Nisargadatta Maharaj

"Here is just emptiness. There is no getting my ego out of the way, and all that stuff. There is just the seeing, shining in great brilliance and clarity."
Douglas Harding

Monday, 9 July 2012

Waving, Not Drowning

What will rise must fall, and what will fall must rise. Rise and fall are natural to life. No rise is permanent, nor fall lasting. It is reality behind it all which is steady and dependent. ... Life is one living stream, continually running without beginning or end. Death is man's illusion. The change that hides man's existence from him he calls death. Life is still, but its flow, which is ever-moving, rises and falls in waves; it is this that creates an illusion of rise and fall. All we see is the manifestation of one Spirit in many and varied forms.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Waves flow in all directions through infinite, eternal Space, giving rise to matter and time, and so events. The rise is always followed by the fall, and the fall by the rise. This is all that exists, and you are That. 

And so is the Higgs boson.

Wave Structure of Matter

Green Grow The Rushes, O

One is One, and all alone, and evermore shall be so.

Two? We don't need no Two, except to know that We Ain't That:)

Thursday, 5 July 2012


Consciousness is the greatest movie-maker in the whole world.


Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Social Networking

You are the entire universe. You are in all, and all is in you. Sun, moon, and stars revolve within you.

Muktananda Upanishad

Every wave centre in infinite, eternal Space is the centre of its own universe, and depends on every other wave centre in that universe for its existence at every moment. There is an infinity of finite, spherical universes within Space, which is all there is.

Wave Structure of Matter

Therefore let us rejoice.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

The Great Heartbreak

I quoted from this recently, but it is so sublime that I wanted to share it in its entirety -

The fully open heart rests in sweet unknowingness, safe in its own embrace, rushing to meet its own perceived need that dissolves in the grace swallowing it. Dancing its tender dance of sheer delight in its own loveliness, merging with itself everywhere, only this, exquisitely so.

This may sound far off for some people, a place unattainable, a state made available only for a few, but I can assure you that it doesn’t require you to change or to become different at all to know this firsthand. It only requires a willingness to stop. The more we stop and the more we let go, the more our consciousness naturally opens.

The more we question our conclusions, the more the doorway opens for us to have a wider and wider vision. The deeper we see into the reality of things, the more our heart opens to include everything, because if we’re really feeling into our deepest reality and truth, the heart isn’t something that would want to escape from what is here and now; rather, our hearts are already embracing everything. We can allow our hearts to be big enough to be broken.

My teacher called this world “the great heartbreak”. When we really begin to wake up to our true nature, we become more conscious of the suffering around us. We feel the people and the events of our lives more profoundly, not less profoundly. We become more present here and now.

What we see is that, even though our vision may have expanded, even though we may have woken up not just to reality, but as reality, still we can’t control anyone. Everything and everyone has their own life to live, and we can’t just wipe away their suffering because our hearts are open. Although we would love to have everyone wake up and be happy, part of the heartbreak is accepting this moment, this world, just as it is.

Another one of my teachers said, “All true love sheds a tear. It’s bittersweet,” and I’ve found this to be more and more true. The more deeply I love, the more I taste the bitterness with the sweet. It’s not a negative bitterness, it’s a bitterness that makes the sweetness even more sweet. Life is beautiful not just because of beautiful mountaintop vistas and the pristine, clear environment of a high mountain lake. Life is also beautiful in each and every moment.

There is nobility and beauty even when human beings are suffering. Our hearts do not want them to suffer; we want to save them, but the heartbreak is that we can’t do that. The quality of our love, the openness of our heart, still does have a profound effect on the world and others in it. Our hearts just can’t control it — nor would they ever want to.

But don’t ever think that your presence here — your physical, material, individual presence — doesn’t have a great impact on everyone around you, because it does. You can’t ultimately control what’s going on around you, but you do have a great impact. This is the gift we have to give each other: this gift of oneness, of union, of a true open heart that comes when our mind opens.

Yes, it will be heartbreaking, and when the heart breaks, it will be asked to open even wider, so wide that there’s nothing and nobody to hold onto the heartbreak. But the heartbreak also moves through the transparency of consciousness. If we’re willing to open that wide, to where we’re willing to not just transcend this world, but to inhabit it and embody it, then we become the answer for which we’ve always been looking. Then we become the peace that all beings are seeking.

Sometimes it is disturbing to realize that we’ve been holding onto a pocketful of dreams, but ultimately, it’s liberating. We can let our hearts break; they are that big. Illusion never brings peace, never brings happiness. When we’re done being disturbed by our own illusions, then we start to become astonished — astonished that we aren’t just our illusions, that we’re something so vast and unexplainable.

We’re not something that exists within Heaven or even in the great mystery of being, but we actually are the great mystery of being. One Zen master said, “The whole universe is my true personality.” This is a very wonderful saying: “The whole universe is my true personality.” If you want to see what you truly are, open the window, and everything you see is in fact the expression of your inner reality. Can you embrace all of it?

Falling Into Grace by Adyashanti

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Heartbreak Hotel

Sometimes it is disturbing to realize that we’ve been holding onto a pocketful of dreams, but ultimately, it’s liberating. We can let the heart break; it is that big. Illusion never brings peace, never brings happiness. When we’re done being disturbed by our own illusions, then we start to become astonished — astonished that we aren’t just our illusions, that we’re something so vast and unexplainable.

We’re not something that exists within Heaven or even in the great mystery of being, but we actually are the great mystery of being. One Zen master said, “The whole universe is my true personality.” This is a very wonderful saying: “The whole universe is my true personality.” If you want to see what you truly are, open the window, and everything you see is in fact the expression of your inner reality. Can you embrace all of it?

From Falling Into Grace by Adyashanti

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Hiya Gorgeous

You are the emptiness in which even space appears. You are the infinite
perfection. Contemplate Yourself. 


Thursday, 24 May 2012

Midnight Feast

Each night, this magnificent world, so vivid in the daylight of our consciousness, is swallowed by the mouse of sleep. Yet we have no fear, for secretly, we know we are Beyond. 


Sunday, 20 May 2012

The Only Miracle

Life is only the perpetual surprise that I exist. 

Rabindranath Tagore

Monday, 14 May 2012

Not Two

In the beginning was only Being,
One without a second.
Out of Himself He brought forth the cosmos
And entered into everything in it.
There is nothing that does not come from Him.
Of everything He is the inmost Self.
He is the truth; He is the Self supreme.  
You are that…you are that.

The Chandogya Upanishad

There is only infinite, eternal Space, which vibrates,
Bringing forth matter and time. 
You are that... in which this arises.

The Wave Structure of Matter

Why do we not dance, knowing our true nature?
'Tis but a thought that separates us from this...

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Be Happy

Why are you unhappy? Because 99.9 percent of everything you think and do is for your self - and it doesn't exist.

Wei Wu Wei, Ask The Awakened

Monday, 16 April 2012

Be The Music

Love is the harmony into which all contradictions resolve.

Hasan al-Askari

Saturday, 14 April 2012

A Gentle Reminder

"You are goodness and mercy and compassion and understanding. You are peace and joy and light. You are forgiveness and patience, strength and courage, a helper in time of need, a comforter in time of sorrow, a healer in time of injury, a teacher in times of confusion. You are the deepest wisdom and the highest truth; the greatest peace and the grandest love. You are these things. And in moments of your life you have known yourself as these things. Choose now to know yourself as these things always."

Conversations with God

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Need for Expansion

You are a Divine elephant with amnesia trying to live in an ant hole.


Sunday, 8 April 2012

A Cosmic Affair

“Wouldn’t it be powerful if you fell in love with yourself
so deeply that you would do just about anything
if you knew it would make you happy?
This is precisely how much life loves you
and wants you to nurture yourself.
The deeper you love yourself,
the more the universe will affirm your worth.
Then you can enjoy a lifelong love affair
that brings you the richest fulfillment
from inside out.”

Alan Cohen

Monday, 26 March 2012

Still Small Voice

Within each of us there is an Owl, a Rabbit, an Eeyore and a Pooh. For too long we have chosen the way of Owl and Rabbit. Now, like Eeyore, we complain about the results. But that accomplishes nothing. If we are smart, we will choose the way of Pooh. As if from far away, it calls to us with the voice of a child's mind. It may be hard to hear at times, but it is important just the same, because without it we will never find our way though the Forest. 

The Tao of Pooh, by Benjamin Hoff

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Creating Space

Infinite, eternal space vibrates, causing stuff and events.
Stuff tells space how to be, space forms stuff.

God is Love, the ground of all being and doing.
There is neither giving nor receiving, but only One Being.

Human beings are sentient space, insanely infatuated with  Its Self.
At least, that's the idea, folks;)

Thursday, 23 February 2012


The supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience. 


Or. Make It Simple, Make It Real! This is where the Wave Structure of Matter wins hands down over the present mishmash, dead-end ideas, which neither describe our common experience nor are simple and understandable. And when extended to embrace our perception of reality, its implications are cosmic, uniting as it does physics, metaphysics and philosophy in one fell swoop.

I propose humanity adopts this, as a shortcut to the resolution of all perceived problems.

I know, it means the Large Hadron Collider and its like could be viewed as a glorious waste of, err, time, space and energy... but then again, maybe not, if through their failure to find 'whatever' we come to see the true nature of the cosmos. Not such a waste after all, really, as it will benefit every generation to come, and on every level. So, yes, let's keep bangin' stuff together at nearly the speed of light... until we don't, and then see what's been there in front of us for thousands of years.

Talk about heads and brick walls...

Just sayin':)

Monday, 13 February 2012

Family Tree

Formless and Timeless, I give birth to Form and Time.

And then... Monday morning.

Life in the old dog yet, huh?:)

Thursday, 9 February 2012

New Wind Blowin'

I keep starting to write a new post, but then I see that I've maybe said all I need to. Also, trying to express that which words can only point to can get a bit silly. But then I like to do silly at least once a day;)

I see now, through the Wave Structure of Matter in Space (WSM) - a most sublimely simple and accessible concept which gives rise to all the equations of modern physics, with algebra understandable by any bright maths student - combined with the wisdom of the ages, which points to the essential unity of all that is, that all that's left is to live in, as this reality. There are days when I'm almost useless with wonder at beholding the true nature of existence, and all that flows from it. This concept will change how humanity sees everything, and will eventually bring about a complete revolution on this planet - but only when most of those life forms with the old ideas have died.

In place of what is still for the most part tribal religion, both physically and metaphysically based on the idea of a separation which needs to be remedied, will steadily arise a realisation of the simple truth that there is only the One Substance, which we can still call God or whatever if we wish (but I prefer something like Godspace, if we have to use words at all;)). Gone will be the sense of God-out-there, observing and sometimes approving, sometimes not, blessing arbitrarily and often capriciously, and all the rest of the story we've told ourselves for thousands of years, and in its place will be this simple awareness of a deeply compassionate, interconnected reality.

Human beings are the totality of Godspace aware of Its Self, relishing Its existence, or to put it in traditional terms, God made flesh. We are Pure Awareness talking to Its Self about Its Self, and when that realisation fully dawns there will be much cosmic laughter!

I think maybe, on second thoughts, I'll switch tack and start writing more about this most beautiful thing, 'cos it's the antidote to all the human insanity we see. If you see what I see, spread the vibe - an expression that takes on a whole new depth of meaning now.


Sunday, 22 January 2012


There is no Seeker, but the Seeking goes on.
No-one finds the No-Thing that is Everything.
I AM that No-Thing, looking for Its Self, playing Hide and Seek with Its Self.
When I find My Self, there is nothing but Cosmic Helpless Laughter and Trancendental Tears.

Language was never designed for this:)

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Think Big

"You are pure Consciousness—
the substance of the universe.
The universe exists within you.
Don’t be small-minded."

Ashtavakra Gita

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Come Back Here

This peace is our very nature, not something we come across. It’s where we are, nearer than all else. We don’t come to it, we come from it. To find it is to allow ourselves to go back to the place we never left.

Douglas Harding

Friday, 6 January 2012

Notifications Pending

I AM the Way, Truth and Life.
I AM indeed Brahman.
I AM the Tao.
I AM Emptiness Dancing.
I AM Christ Consciousness.
I AM Buddha Nature.
I AM All That Is.
I AM No-Thing.
I AM before I AM, where no concepts survive.
I AM That.

If you want to cancel these notifications... hard luck;)

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Merely Players

There's only That, beyond even Oneness.

It is portraying Its Self as Being, as Consciousness.

Consciousness is Its creative principle, the Life Force Its creative energy.

The universe is Its canvas, and all beings just stage names for This, obvious to Its Self, but hidden from the mind.

And we are That!


Sunday, 1 January 2012