Thursday, 6 January 2011

The Whole Fire

God is indivisible. This is so marvellous because it means the whole of God is where you are – not your little bit of God, but the whole of God. If we resist this, it’s because we are resisting our splendour, our greatness. The wonderful proposition of all the mystics that I know and would care to call real mystics is that the heart of you, the reality of your life, the reality of your being, your real self, is the whole of God – not a little bit of that fire but the whole fire.

Face To No-Face by Douglas Harding, edited by David Lang


Sue said...

Mmm :)

What do you think about this, Harry? I would like to hear your thoughts.

Harry Riley said...

The easy questions first, huh, Sue?;) Well, always remembering that words are too clumsily inadequate for, um, words, I'll have a go...

God, Source, Ground of all Being, whatever, is One - Undivided and Indivisible - and all these apparently separate 'Beings' are in fact unique expressions of that same One Being. As was said of Jesus that 'the fullness of God dwelt within him', so that same fullness dwells in us, and not a 'partness'. At the very core we're not 'a part' of anything or 'apart' from anything, but the whole enchilada, havin' a ball. Tasty, huh?;)

No flame is separate from the fire, but is the fire, 'fire-ing'...

Sue said...

That is very tasty indeed :)

I'm reading Autobiography of a Yogi at the moment. Written by a yogi who took Indian wisdom to the States back in the 30s and 40s and 50s of the last century. Good read, and fascinating to see the "whole fire" playing out in ALL mystics of ALL different faith streams, and what a difference it makes to ... well, everything, to how much that Great Spirit is allowed to move in us, in how much we can be an expression of her/him. Jesus talked about that stuff ... well, pretty much all the time, eh. I thought of this: "I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me — so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."

Good thoughts, Harry :)

Harry Riley said...

Yup, at our core there is no separation. Difference, but no separation. Everything is One, Being.

Jesus has been totally misinterpreted, for numerous reasons, but mainly because we - including his first followers - looked at him through the disturbed atmosphere of our 'thought-world'. We have been alienated from 'God' in our own minds, and need to get out of our minds!

Reality to Humanity... Phone Home!:D

Great to exchange ideas with you, Sue, and Happy New Year!